A double standard

美 [ə ˈdʌbl ˈstændərd]英 [ə ˈdʌbl ˈstændəd]
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A double standardA double standard
  1. We cannot have a double standard where we say everybody else must play by the rules , but we do not need to .


  2. Instead , topping the list of reasons , about four-in-ten Americans point to a double standard for women seeking to climb to the highest levels of either politics or business , where they have to do more than their male counterparts to prove themselves .


  3. This is a double standard . I 'm confused .


  4. English society in the nineteenth century is hierarchical with a double standard culture .


  5. They claimed that this school uses a double standard to admit minorities .


  6. In parenthood , too , there is a double standard .


  7. accused Republicans of having a double standard in the health care reform debate . "


  8. The spokesman of the coalition described it as " clearly a double standard . "


  9. He 's got a double standard : it 's all right for him to have affairs but not for her .


  10. An article entitled " On Aggression in Politics : Are Women Judged by a Double Standard ?"


  11. The principle of a double standard addition method is strictly demonstrated . Four lemmas and two theorems are given and proved .


  12. Critics accused the Obama administration of holding a double standard by being more lenient on financial institutions also receiving federal assistance .


  13. Yes , it 's a double standard that the interviewee can 't be late while the interviewer can get away with it .


  14. It is one of the peculiarities of the warfare between reform and the status quo that it is thoughtlessly governed by a double standard .


  15. Casual dress is regarded as less acceptable for women than for men , leaving women to wrestle with a double standard when choosing a wardrobe .


  16. There must not be a double standard whereby anti-nuclear proliferation is used as a pretext to limit or retard the peaceful use of nuclear energy by developing nations .


  17. We do the exact same thing and were " flaunting it , " were " making an issue out of it , " and that 's a double standard .


  18. They pointed out that no researcher would have been allowed to do this in rich countries , and that permitting it to be done in poor countries therefore amounted to applying a double standard .


  19. And the deafing silence of blacks has drawn criticism on talk radio from some whites who say blacks have a double standard when victims of hate crime are whites .


  20. But you still believe that there 's a double standard that people like me get special treatment - Driver : Ms. Van Der Woodsen , your mother sent me to pick you up pick up :


  21. For their own part , short-sellers complain of a double standard : why should a view that a company 's shares are likely to fall be inherently less valid , and more worthy of suspicion , than a view that the shares will rise ?


  22. When you see people abiding by a big fat double standard , step outside their duplicitous perspective by telling yourself that the craziness you feel is coming from the critic .


  23. In this the US is treating the value of its currency as if it were a pure domestic issue , leading many in China to see a double standard .


  24. To Samsung , China is one of the most important markets and a crucial destination for foreign investment , it said . Samsung never holds a double standard against them .


  25. Fred Destin , a venture capitalist at Atlas Venture who has worked in both Europe and America , sees a double standard .


  26. But simplicity , as a guiding principle in constructing conceptual schemes , is not a clear and unambiguous idea ; and it is quite capable of presenting a double or multiple standard .
